Hromada-Laub Ukraine Charity Concerts Series
Aug 21, 2022
Please come and enjoy a wonderful collection of Ukrainian folk songs, dances and special performances.
Location: Grand Ballroom, ATLANTIS CASINO RESORT SPA, Reno, 3800 S
Virginia St, Reno, NV 89502
Time: 2-4pm
Regular tickets: $40 per person
Premium tickets: $60 per person (includes after-party with the performers)
Ola Herasymenko Oliynyk – famous Ukrainian musician, renown performer on bandura, a traditional Ukrainian string instrument. She will perform several songs and instrumental pieces.
Ivanna Taratula – mezzo-soprano, former singer of Lviv National Opera House, will perform the most famed pieces from her repertoire.
Oleksandra Zabashta – soprano, former soloist of Kyiv National Theatre of Operetta, will perform the most famed pieces from her repertoire.
Anytchka – renown Ukrainian lemko singer (lemko is a dialect of Ukrainian language), will sing several most popular songs.
Oleksandra Bobrychenko – Ukrainian folk and contemporary dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. She will share her dancing compositions based on classical Ukrainian dances.
Flutist Olha Shevchyk and pianist Natalie Kokhanyy, as instrumental duo, will show the harmonious possibilities of flute and piano collaboration, as well as flute and bandura. Both musicians are alumni of Lviv National Musical Academy.
Folk Duet Oksana and Svyatoslav Stus will sing acapella a few traditional Ukrainian folk and patriotic songs. The vocal ensemble “Kolyada” will present the Ukrainian anthem and several folk songs. Kolyada (means caroling in Ukrainian) performs classical choral works, folk songs and Christmas carols.
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